Amazing Grace

The sweet sound of Amazing Grace is the accompanying sense to Relighting Us. It provides the background accompaniment of the melodious effect of us finding the way to becoming our true self. The self we were created to be. The words of the song light that discovery process. The sound embodies it. Sadly for us, happily for them, our original helpers have already found their way. They have arrived at their destination. We are still on the journey. They can no longer share with us, that process of discovery. We are again returned to finding our way without their loving support.

We can relight that way through a re-visitation to the same processes we shared with our departed loved one. We didn’t work alone before, we needn’t work alone now. No one works alone in life. We work together. We are an “us”, not just a “me”. We have lots of partners. Family members, friends, church members, helping organization members, on and on.

Relighting Us is a way to get together with another close partner and retrieve some of the lights that went out when our loved one left us. We can’t ever retrieve the full intensity of those lights, but we can select some of the good ones we shared, and relight them. We can revisit places and occasions where good things happened. We can share from those re-visitations the good memories that occurred in our former visits and put them into words. Words that can be set in print and thus be manifest in the here and the now. Words have immense power. Their relighting places us in the same directional path we saw and felt in our original experience. Not only that, but we have now shared that happy experience with another one close to us. Further, even than that, we have a way to spread that light to others so that they may be encouraged to join in the relighting process.

IMG_2994The key to this form of relighting is more than just taking pictures. The thought and effort it takes to recreate a written account goes deeply into the soul and does the relighting much more fully than just recording it photographically. However, photos are good additions to the narrative and are much encouraged to accompany the writings, but it is the process of revisiting, sharing, and writing that does the job.

It’s a win-win deal any way you look at it. But, it takes doing. It takes doing with a partner. It takes writing and sharing. It takes time. But, believe me, it works. It sets in motion those sharing processes that spread the light to see the way to whom we are, and where we can go. Regaining that is more than worth the effort. It is rewarding, and restoring. Your departed partner is there with you every step of the way. When it’s your turn to get to where your partner is, think of all the conversations you will have then.

Conversations face to face…

As a support explanation for what I have written above, I have included a brief explanation of Relighting Us and a recent conversation with my departed partner that I posted on the website. I have been having those conversations, since the day she left. When we get together again, we will have so much to share… So will you…