March 31, 2015

“OK, so it’s been over a month. What’s going on.”

“Boy, things are getting semi-hectic. Lots of stuff going on. That’s the way I like it. My only problem is that I need more sleep than I ever have. I take two or even three naps a day now, whenever I can. Oh well, what the hell, I’m going to be 90 in a couple of months. What’s to expect?

Finally got my “smartphone” – “dumbphone” situation straightened out. Anyway, I think the kids have adjusted to my being alone. At least they don’t keep track of me like they did when you first left. I guess they figure the old guy can keep track of himself. Kathy has launched herself in a semi-radio career. She does interviews on her health products on a talk show. Seems to keep her interest. Who knows where it will lead.

Been regularly taking Anne to lunch on either a Friday or a Saturday every week.

Won at bridge again. Bid and made a small slam, as well. You know me, old “don’t be afraid to take a chance” Bob. It seems to be working, because I am probably a slightly below average bridge player, but a lucky one. You get the cards, you play’em right; you win. My recent partner, a gal by the name of Pat C. is moving to Florida, so I don’t know who they’ll get for me. Let you know when it happens.

Patty had a little birthday party on the 7th, for her and Theresa. Everybody seemed well and happy, but getting tired of the constant cold we’ve been having this year. It never lets up. It has been so bad that I haven’t been able to get over to our rock even. I’ll get there as soon as things get better. In fact, it’s been so bad that the ice and snow dammed up on the south side of the house and caused water damage on two walls. Also stained the drapes and big shade on the south living room window, as well as leaving a small water spot on the dining room table. I spoke with Mel Miller at the GCADA show on the14th, and he gave me some advice on how to remove it. Haven’t done it yet, though.

Before I went to the GCADA show, I took a trip to Mike and Michelle’s and stayed over night. Their new house is huge and quite up to date. My main reason for going was to watch the girls play basketball on Saturday the 14th. They were great. Very enthusiastic and quite good. They both are leaders and so committed. Took them to dinner at the Ithaca Country Club the night before. Michelle couldn’t come; she was way behind in her correcting papers and had to stay home to get them finished.

After I got back from Ithaca, I went straight away to Charlie Browns and had dinner with Nan, Bob, Dave, Mari, Dick and Joan Randles. Like old times. We talked a lot about you. It was like the old days. Nan and Bob are only doing the GCADA show now. They have tapered down. We plan on getting together soon along with Jim M. and spend an evening. Jim has been very busy finalizing Carolyn’s affairs, and happily informed me that her house sold almost immediately after being listed. It, in my opinion, is the best house in this whole complex. If you were still here, I would have asked you to give serious consideration to buying it. Without you here, I am better off where I am now. Everything here speaks loudly of you, and I wouldn’t change one bit of it for anything. As long as God gives me the good health and ability to stay here, here is where I want to be. I see you here all over the place. Good taste was never one of my abilities, I gotta hand it to you on that one.

On the 18th, I met with Lori of St. Patrick’s Church. (Sally D. contacted her about Relighting Us). She heads the grievance group at that church. I met with her and her group and went over what we are trying to do. It’s going to be a long time before anything develops but I know down deep that it will, and it will carry itself, once some supporters take hold and drive it. In that vein, Sally put me in touch with the Pastor of The Victor Presbyterian Church. We had a nice sit down, and he seemed to be very interested I having me present it to his group. That won’t be happening until we get past Easter. Maybe in mid-April.

Phil and I have had a few lunches, and we went to a play at the JCC. It was again about Jewish and Christian family interactions. A very unusual format as the interactions took place simultaneously on the stage, and one actress played a role in both families. Quite different, and in its own fashion; effective. Somewhere in all of that there is a message. I deeply believe so.

Saw Dr. B. today (the 31st). Things appear to be heading in the right direction. We agreed to discontinue the medicine and see if things would normalize. So far, so good. If not then back to the medicine. I am scheduled to see him again in September to see how things are going.

The gang is coming here for Easter. We’re going to have ham and the traditional Bunny Cake. We’ll be celebrating Caroline’s birthday as well. It falls on Easter this year. I’ll have the full report on all of that next time. So, talk to you later.”