The Bus in the logo picture sets the stage for the website Relighting Us.

An image of a Bus filled with people on a journey. The journey of everyday life. It takes place on a road paved with words.

The journey of Us…

Words that describe a road to a better life. Words that focus on needs and experiences. Words that express the values of revisiting the past and correcting what needs fixing.

There is purpose in this journey…

1. Find Happiness
2. Appreciate Imperfection
3. Acknowledge Miracles
4. Express yourself

The bus and the journey are metaphor. Organized in little books that when combined make a larger book. A book I call: “The Road to *Ballydehob.”

We each are a book. A book under constant revision. In life we constantly move from one place to the next. Where and how determines our quality of life. Where a given state of imperfection can miraculously grow toward a state of perfection. Within that book we each write stories. Stories that have our names on them. They are Us. Our words are Us. We are drivers down whatever road we choose to take. To get where we want to go, we need a Navigator. Navigators come in many forms. They are proficient in using maps that determine where we should go.
Stories of the past are our maps. They are Us. We can go back to them and make needed corrections to head in the right direction to get to Ballydehob. Our Navigator is there in our own stories, to help relight that direction. Our words Relight Us.

You can write yours and post them in “Relighting Us.”

* Ballydehob: a small town in West Cork, Ireland. Its name means “Place of Comfort.”