Black Cat Honored at Buffalo Bills Football Game

While you can’t hear it, here is what the PA announcer said during the time Bob was on field:

“Robert (Bob) Whelan was a Private First Class in 13th Armored Division of the US Army – the Division is known as the Black Cats. He was a Combat Infantryman, and served in France, Austria and Germany. Bob enlisted 30 days after his 18th birthday, and served from June 1943 until February 1946. He is currently the President of the 13th Armored Division Association, a group of Black Cats and their families that continue to meet annually to this day. Bob has four children, five grandchildren and 1 great grandchild, and resides in Penfield, NY.”

This took place on Dec. 30, 2018  at the Buffalo Bills vs. Miami Dolphins game. Thank you to the Buffalo Bills organization for this opportunity to honor our veterans at their football games.

(And the Bills won!)

And here is the version with the PA announcer that is courtesy the Buffalo Bills.