Relighting Yourself

A web-based action plan for those who have lost a loved one.

This website is designed to encourage the sharing of real-life examples to either read, listen, view, learn, and then to create your own expressions of how you accomplished your own restorations. We offer a way share them on this same site. We can use our expressions to help each other.

There are no better communicants than those who have been in the same place, who have experienced the same kind of loss. We can all relate to each other. We can all support each other. Our joint efforts will move us with every action we take and will get us closer to restoring some of our lost light.


Choose whatever means that suits you, writing, poetry, art, on an on. Go to your computer and get about recreating the life about you. Add to your best memories. Share your restorations. Bask in their glories. Learn from each other. Enjoy them. Express them. Store them for future use.

This website is intended to put in place ways you can recreate and share some of the deep and precious memories that were lost by the passing of a loved one.

In this process, there is an action plan. An action plan, because it requires participation, just like the creation of the badge monument. Physical action effectively sends the message by what it produces. We are all capable of creating memory images.

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