You Can Take It With You

Story Medicine

Words are medicine.

What kind of crazy talk is that?

Words are everyman’s memory tools. Good memories are loaded with joy. Joy is medicine to the soul. Words can convey joy. Words can relight joyful memories. You, I, anyone, can recreate and share this joy. Here is how.

Relive your best memories. Go back where they occurred, and revisit your joyful events. If at all possible, take someone along who was a part of those events, and relive what took place at an earlier time. Then write about it, share it with whoever was there, and on the Relighting Us website as well. The very act of writing transfers thoughts in the mind into a physical form. They, in that sense, are relighted. Memories thus, take on a physical presence. They have been relighted. They have been brought back into the world for all to enjoy. That joy is what we all want to make part of us.

There are many stories of composers who took scale notes that corresponded with one or more of their loved one`s initials, and incorporated them into beautiful music. In their ultimate rendition they became relighted musical memories of their departed loved one. We are not all composers, but we can write, and in so doing, relight our feelings of joy for our departed loved ones.

Writing gets you away from all the noisy distractions of a largely disruptive world, and brings you into deep contact with yourself. As you reach for ways to express those important feelings you are restoring your own joyful state of mind. That is a true relighting.

You now have created a reminder of what you have relighted. In effect, you will have brought back into your life a physical rendition of a treasure that is yours and yours alone. A treasure that relights joy now and will be with you always. A treasure you can take with you.